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ISearch Archives

The International Center for Archival and Documentary Services

The first Arab team specialized in photographing unpublished documents

ISearch Archives Group, also known as the "British Archive," is the first pioneering Arab initiative specializing in photographing unpublished documents from various British and international archives. This group aims to enable researchers in history and political science to access unpublished documents relevant to their research topics, whether for academic theses or promotion research, covering all geographical regions and historical periods, from the 17th century to the latest declassified documents. It serves as the bridge that reconnects the past with the future, providing researchers with the necessary tools to enrich their academic work and make a real impact in their fields.

Our services start with the photography of unpublished documents, which are available in physical form at a minimal cost. We also provide archived newspapers, journals, theses, and books, which we offer for free when a request for multiple documentary files is made.

Our upcoming new service, Archival Metadata Analysis, is a more advanced alternative to document translation. It involves both surface and deep analysis of documents, with proper referencing. To explore samples of archival document analysis, click here.

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