The Importance of Books, Scientific Journals, and Theses in Academic Research

Our services include providing books, theses, and journals available on Bayana databases for free, as well as photographing physical and rare books for researchers.

The Importance of Books, Journals, and Theses

Books, scientific journals, and theses are among the primary sources that researchers rely on to expand their knowledge and strengthen their research. These sources provide in-depth information on specific topics, with critical and methodological analyses that contribute to enriching academic research.

They also offer new insights into historical, social, and economic issues, making them indispensable tools for researchers. Theses, in particular, reflect the latest studies and innovations in various fields, while scientific journals serve as a platform for renewed academic discourse.

Our Free Services for Researchers

To support researchers and encourage access to high-quality sources, we provide them with the opportunity to obtain nearly 30 books, journals, and theses for free when photographing more than 10 documentary files.

This offer allows researchers to access valuable resources without any additional cost, helping to reduce their financial burdens and enhance the quality of their research.

Free Archived Newspapers

In addition, we provide a large number of diverse archived newspapers for free. These newspapers cover different time periods and multiple topics, offering researchers the opportunity to study events and developments from various perspectives.

Through this service, we aim to enable researchers to use rare and historically significant archival materials to support their academic work.

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