Procedures for Photographing Unpublished Documents in Steps

Step One: Review the documentary file indexes we sent you and select the most important files you wish to photograph. If you haven't received indexes yet, contact us directly via WhatsApp: 00447762829974

Step Two: We will provide an estimated cost for the work and inform you. After agreement, the researcher deposits the amount with a coordinator in their country. The amount remains held in trust with the contractor until we complete photographing and delivering the documentary files.

Step Three: When requesting photography of more than 10 documentary files, we automatically provide 75-100 archived newspaper articles and approximately 20-30 books/journals/theses most relevant to your research topic at no additional cost.

Step Four: After completing the photography, we send files in both image and PDF formats, including archived newspapers with marginal annotations on each page. We continue to address any researcher inquiries.

Important Note: In some cases, files may contain fewer pages than expected. In such situations, we photograph compensatory files for researchers without additional charges.

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