ISearch Archives offers a free, specialized service that facilitates researchers' access to crucial documents related to their research topics. Through this service, PDF lists of documentary file indexes are sent, containing the most important titles relevant to the required research field. These indexes allow researchers to review comprehensive information about available files, such as file title, covered time period, and issuing authority. This helps researchers select the most important and relevant files for their topics, saving time and effort in accessing accurate sources.
The indexes contain various files issued by multiple government and archival entities, such as FO and FCO files issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and DEFE files issued by the Ministry of Defence. Samples of archived newspapers are also attached to enrich the researcher's experience and provide a broader view of available sources. With this level of detail, researchers can make informed decisions about which files they wish to photograph, thereby enhancing their research quality and supporting academic achievements.
We advise Master's students to select 10-15 documentary files, and PhD candidates 15-30 documentary files - sufficient numbers for their thesis topics. The total documents in these files typically range between 500-1000 documents depending on file classification and size. We don't recommend selecting more for two reasons: First, to avoid additional photography costs; Second, to ensure you have sufficient time to work with this volume of documents. We provide document analysis and translation services.